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军事 & 退伍军人

伊玛库拉塔大学为支持退伍军人和军人感到自豪, 以及他们的配偶, 谁在追求高等教育.


  • 个性化的支持 from staff and faculty, including an academic advisor, online or in-person, depending on your needs
  • 灵活的选择S代表上课,两者都是 网上和校园
  • 进入我们的写作、数学和职业中心 可亲自或在线购买
  • 访问成千上万的学术期刊,书籍和文章 可以在加布里埃尔图书馆找到
  • 慷慨的学分转移政策 和收入 先前学习的学分

了解更多下载赌钱app手机版如何申请伊玛库拉塔大学, 申请经济资助, 还有哪些程序可以让你进一步探索. 此外,你可能会发现有一些资源对你的大学搜索有帮助.

如欲申请本科军人及退伍军人服务,请联络克里斯蒂标记 (cmarker@fulyamsigorta.net). 如欲申请研究生课程,请联络凯伦内克尔 (knecker@fulyamsigorta.net). 他们可以帮助你处理下一步的录取事宜, 金融援助, 支持服务, 还有军人/退伍军人的福利.


学费援助是支付给符合条件的军队成员的福利, 海军, 海军陆战队, 空军, 和海岸警卫队. 每个军种都有自己的资格标准. 申请前, active duty service members should first contact their unit or branch’s Education Service Officer (ESO), 军事顾问, 或服务讨论他们是否有资格获得学费援助. 通过以下链接了解更多下载赌钱app手机版学费援助的信息:

你可能有资格获得联邦和州的教育补助,但是 all military service members, 以及他们的配偶, receive a special tuition rate from Immaculata. 请下载赌钱app手机版的招生办公室,电话:484-323-3060或发送电子邮件至 admiss@fulyamsigorta.net. 一旦你申请,你将被要求提交文件来验证你的资格.


Immaculata大学’s academic community includes a number of veteran and military students. At times, these students may be called to fulfill their duties for training or deployment. Immaculata has a number of procedures in place to support such students during service related absences. 看到我们的 再入学政策 服役人员和预备役人员.


You may be eligible for a number of state and federal 好处, depending on your service. 拨打1-888-442-4551或查看 退伍军人事务部 website to review the eligibility requirements and see if you qualify for educational 好处.

Our 退伍军人 Certification Officer can assist you with questions regarding the benefit process. 联系克里斯蒂·马克,电话:484-323-3907或 cmarker@fulyamsigorta.net.


伊玛库拉塔大学很自豪能成为黄丝带计划的一部分. 要检查您是否符合此计划的资格,请查看 退伍军人事务网站.

GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站 http://www.好处.va.政府 / gibill.


军事 transcripts will be evaluated and accepted credits will be transferred free of charge! 在这里了解更多下载赌钱app手机版先前学习学分的信息.

  1.  申请Immaculata大学: 如果你还不是伊玛库拉塔大学的学生,你必须申请入学. 申请 本科 or 研究生项目.
  2. 申请经济资助: 你可能有资格获得额外的州和联邦财政援助. 申请经济资助 必须每年做一次吗. You will find information about 金融援助 and tuition assistance opportunities from the Office of 金融援助.
  3. 申请福利: Please review the eligibility requirements to see if you qualify for educational 好处 through the 退伍军人事务部. 要做到这一点,请登录 退伍军人事务网站. 您也可以拨打1-888-442-4551. 如果你有资格享受福利, 你会收到退伍军人事务部的资格证明信. 一旦你收到你的资格信,把信的副本寄到 克里斯蒂标记 (本科生)或 凯伦内克尔 (研究生).


The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) together with the Pennsylvania Department of 军事 and 退伍军人 Affairs (DMVA), 管理 教育援助计划(EAP) 宾夕法尼亚国民警卫队成员. This program provides tuition assistance for students who enter into a service commitment with the Pennsylvania 国民警卫队, 通常为期六年. 随着2019年7月军人家庭教育计划(MFEP)的颁布, there is a new non-lapsing Fund providing EAP-like tuition 好处 to spouses and children of members of the Pennsylvania 国民警卫队 when a Guard member re-enlists for another 6-year term.


The 退伍军人事务部 offers several different programs for individuals that meet specific qualifications. 有关G .的最新资料.I. 比尔®,访问 www.gibill.va.政府. Please read the descriptions of the programs available through the 退伍军人事务部 and the program requirements listed below to determine your eligiblity.

  • 蒙哥马利G.I. 比尔®(第30章)
    • 如果你在7月1日之后参军,你就有资格, 1985; served at least two years on Active Duty; your pay was reduced by $100 per month for the first 12 months of service; you have an honorable discharge; and you have not passed the 10-year delimiting date.
  • 蒙哥马利G.I. 票据®-精选储备(第1606章)
    • You are eligible if you incurred a 6-year enlistment in the Selected Reserves or the 国民警卫队 after July 1, 1985; completed initial active duty training; are serving in good standing in your unit; and you have not passed the 10-year delimiting date.
  • 退伍军人教育援助计划(第32章)和越南战争.I. 比尔®(第34章)
    • Eligibility depends on the dates of active duty service; amount contributed; and recent VA legislation. 打电话给退伍军人事务部.888.442.以确定您的个人资格.
  • 遗属及受养人教育援助(第35章)
    • Dependents of veterans (spouses and children ages 18-26) are eligible if the veteran has a 100 percent service-connected disability or the veteran’s death was service-connected.
  • 职业康复(第三十一章)
    • 退伍军人 who suffered a service-connected disability while on active duty and need vocational rehabilitation as a result of their disability (normally 20 percent or greater) may be eligible for 好处. 点击上面的链接查看更多下载赌钱app手机版这个好处的信息.
  • 9/11后的退伍军人法案®(第33章)
    • The Post-9/11 GI Bill® is for individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after Sept. 2001年11月11日,或在30天后因服务残疾而退伍的个人. 你必须获得光荣退伍才有资格获得这份账单, 哪些在2009年开始对培训有效.



  • 退伍军人管理处


  • G.I. Bill®比对工具: This tool will assist you in calculating your 好处 and in researching approved academic programs.
  • 为大学网站付费在如何支付大学学费的财务决策方面寻求帮助.
  • 学生贷款你可以申请联邦贷款和私人贷款. 了解联邦贷款和私人贷款的区别. 如果你获得了比你需要的更多的联邦财政援助, 你可以取消贷款或接受比提供的少一些的贷款. 在你的贷款发放之前, you may cancel all or part of your loan at any time by notifying the Office of 金融援助. After your loan is disbursed, you may cancel all or part of the loan within certain time frames. Your promissory note will explain the procedures and time frames for canceling your loan.
  • 伊玛库拉塔大学学院记分卡: The college scorecard provides information about Immaculata’ s affordability and value.
  • 大学导航器: Learn more about Immaculata using the National Center for Education Statistics program.
  • 助教决定: This comparison tool is designed specifically to aid participants of DoD’s 学费 Assistance (TA) program in making informed choices on schools and education programs.

The TA is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. 当学生退学时, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded.

为了遵守国防部的新政策, (Immaculata大学) will return any unearned TA funds on a prorate basis through at least the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. 助教基金在入学期间按比例赚取, 未赚的钱会根据学生休学的时间返还. 这些资金被返还给军事服务部门.

当一个服务成员停止参加的情况下,由于军事服务义务, the educational institution will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion.

在第一周之前或期间:100% 第2周:75% 3-4周:50% 第5周:40% 6-8周:无回头率
在1-3周之前或期间:100% 4-5周:75% 6-8周:50% 第9周:40% 在第10-15周:没有返回

根据ED 34 C.F.R. 668.71-668.75和668.14、伊玛库拉塔大学不参与高压招聘实践. Our recruitment efforts are designed to highlight the 好处 of the University and the steps taken to advance your educational goals. We are committed to providing an excellent faculty and dedicated student services and resources. 回顾伊玛库拉塔大学的政策 下载赌钱app手机版退伍军人和服务成员的招聘和营销.

